
A Metabiophysical approach to explain Ghosts and Spirits!

Ghosts and Spirits! [not for the faint-hearted!]

Please check these pictures before you proceed!

Such paranormal unidentified images in these photos might be genuine or just a silly/stupid game by the photographer/concerned parties. But one common thing with all these photos..Ghosts and spirits appear like hazy images.. a cloudy shape.. [In Ghost linguistics this is called 'ectoplasm'], a bundle of particles with no definite form and shape [Yes! I am getting closer to my explanation] in physical terms, a colloidal collection of quanta!

Yes! My comprehension of spirits, if at all they exist, would be that spirits are energy forms.

My reasons!
1. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. What happens to all the energy that a man possesses when he dies?
A man has atleast two forms of energy, a)the more perceivable physical energy that is enhanced by food intake and spent by physical work, and b)the less perceivable aural energy, a direct translation of his intellect and emotions. The aura a man possesses. The Kundalini psychic centres according to Yogi [Hindu myth] and the Force according to Yodha [Star Wars]. There are even cameras to capture the aura of a man. So, the existence of these energies is unquestioned. What happens to these after a man dies, if one accepts the fact that Energy can neither be created nor destroyed? The spirits are forms of these energy quanta disepersed in less definitive forms!

2.Ectoplasm is a colloidal congregation or aggregation of quanta with the capability of characeteristic ghost behavior such as telekinesis and teleportation. We have all heard of the cartwheel experiment to demonstrate that quanta possesses momentum and makes the wheel spin. Just translate it to this special ectoplasmic quanta, capable of specific agglomerative behavior [remember Terminator 2, where the Mercury man assumes his form from from a liquid state..the logic was that of smart metals which has the intrinsic memory to get back to its form], which can get teleported [quanta travelling at the rate of Light speed is still possible] and since they have momentum, they perform telekinesis!

3.Every ghost or spirit has an identity. You identify it with the person who lived. Thats because the ghost has its genesis from the energy of the person who LIVED. The soul, the desires, the intellectual capabilities, the personality and all such abstract energy forms transformed into this ectoplasm , when the person dies! Why are souls identified with one single person? Its similar to the aura of an individual..each individual has an aura, each individual has a soul..and similarly each individual has a spirit! The only factor that differentiates them is the energy level that correlates to the abstract energy of the individual!

to be continued....